Al Mughni 15 Sumpah Dan Nadzah

by Kitabuna

Books & Reference


This Android application is an Explanation of the Book of Al Mughni Volume 15 Ibn Qudamah - Oaths, Nadzah, Judgment, Distribution of Shared Property Rights and Testimony. In PDF format.Author: Ibn QudamahTahqiq: Dr. Muhammad Syarifuddin Khathab, DR. Sayyid Muhammad Sayyid and Prof. Sayyid Ibrahim SadiqThe Al-Mughni book by Ibn Qudamah Rahimahullah, is one of the great works of Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaah in the field of discussion of Islamic jurisprudence. The author brings the method of discussion of comparative fiqh (muqorran) which at that time not many scholars compiled books with this kind of methodology and presented discussions of fiqh between schools of thought, their arguments and then explained the most appropriate conclusions based on his ijtihad, not only explaining the expressions existing expressions, also explain the purposes that exist in this book, then analyze all the main points related to a problem mentioned therein.He mentioned the differences that had developed among the followers of the Hambali school of thought regarding this matter, then explained the differences in narrations that occurred among a number of priests who came from various schools of thought. In fact, he mentioned the opinions of the schools of a number of scholars which had not developed anymore because there were no followers who tried to spread them, such as the schools of Hasan Al-Basri, Atha, Sufyan Ats-Tsauri and others, Rahikumullah. Imam Ibn Qudamah also mentioned the arguments used by other scholars who expressed an opinion on a particular issue and then explained the reasons for his strengths and weaknesses.Therefore, the scholars who come from various schools of thought regard this book with full appreciation and it is considered as one of the references in the field of comparative jurisprudence.Al Mughnis book is divided into 16 volumes and you can directly download it here:Volume 16 : the material content of this application can be useful for self-introspection and better improvement in everyday life.Please give us reviews and input for the development of this application, give a 5 star rating to encourage us in developing other useful applications.Happy reading.Disclaimer :All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content being displayed, please contact us via the email developer and tell us about your ownership status for the content.